all postcodes in WV2 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV2 4AD 4 2 52.582191 -2.125727
WV2 4AG 20 9 52.581631 -2.12597
WV2 4AH 1 1 52.581333 -2.129517
WV2 4AL 1 1 52.580255 -2.128953
WV2 4AN 5 5 52.582104 -2.128997
WV2 4AQ 3 3 52.58234 -2.129476
WV2 4AS 4 4 52.581856 -2.128442
WV2 4BH 3 3 52.581333 -2.129517
WV2 4AT 5 2 52.58156 -2.127408
WV2 4AU 1 1 52.582073 -2.127262
WV2 4AW 1 0 52.582373 -2.129957
WV2 4AX 7 7 52.581646 -2.128376
WV2 4BA 1 1 52.581125 -2.130934
WV2 4DT 1 1 52.581693 -2.127047
WV2 4BS 9 9 52.579533 -2.131268
WV2 4BU 1 1 52.580142 -2.130555
WV2 4BY 1 1 52.579068 -2.129039
WV2 4BZ 1 1 52.581577 -2.127998
WV2 4DG 5 52.581219 -2.126565
WV2 4DP 1 52.580977 -2.125915